Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Contract: Schriever Air Force Base Chiller Plant Optimization
Contract Period: September 2019 – 2021
Contract Amount: $2,984,692
Description of work: This project consists of modifications to the existing Central Chiller Plant located in Building 600 at Schriever Air Force Base near Colorado Springs, Colorado. The modifications of Building 600 will include automating the chiller plant, adding optimization controls, and revising the cooling tower sump fill controls. The existing Chiller Plant is comprised of varying capacities and efficiencies, aged cooling towers, and manual controls via plant operators, of the entire chilled water system. The system is critical to Base operations and currently provides 42 F chilled water with a minimum of two chillers and associated pumps, CSOC and JNTF secondary pumps, and towers and associated pumps operating at all times to provide a N+1 redundant system operating 24/7 to serve the base, requiring 99.9% uptime.